In NSW, the information required by Customs and OGAs will be electronically submitted through an Integrated Declaration. As such NSW will eliminate the current practice of filing and pursuing separate applications to Customs and Other Government Departments (OGAs) for complying with various laws and regulations related to imports, exports and transit trade.

Pursuant to ratification of WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation Pakistan has confirmed its commitment to establish a “National Single Window (NSW)”.

NSW is a platform that allows parties involved in trade & transport to lodge standardized information & documents with single entry point to fulfill import, export and transit related regulatory requirements. The primary objective of this initiative is to enable traders to clear goods through single submission of data electronically enabling all regulatory authorities involved to timely issue all required authorizations like permits, licenses, certificates and clearance of goods, export & transit of goods etc.

For operation of NSW a Governing Council headed by Minister of Finance and such number of members as the Federal Government may notify be established. The Governing Council is required to establish strategic direction, principle & policies, monitoring & oversight of strategic objectives with respect to NSW serving as interface and collaborator between various governmental agencies to ensure timely implementation of NSW. There are more than 40 other governmental agencies who would be privy to information submitted by business to grant expeditious approvals, thereby saving lot of time would serve as an excellent initiative on account of ease of doing business in Pakistan. Pakistan Custom shall act as lead agency for developing, operating, maintaining and up-grading the NSW initiative.

NSW would be of great assistance to both public sector as well as private sector stakeholders

Benefit to Public Sector StakeholdersBenefit to Private Sector Stakeholders
Effective and Efficient Deployment of ResourcesEffective and Efficient Deployment of Resources
Increased Integrity and TransparencyIncreased Transparency and Predictability
Improved Trader ComplianceFaster & Easy Clearance of Goods
Correct Revenue YieldCutting Costs through reducing Delays